Sunday, July 21, 2013

Frederica Wilson

This asshat gave a speech in which she claimed that blacks are arrested for "eating while black, and just being plain ole' black." There is NOTHING factual she can claim to back up her racist rant. NOTHING. So, what was the purpose of these claims? Nothing less than inflamming racial hatred. She's a race baiter and hate monger of the most virulent kind. Anyone who voted for, or votes for this asshat in the future, is knowingly, willingly, and wantonly sending a race baiter and hater to the US House of Representatives.

Welcome to the Club, asshat.

Monique Dave, IL State House of Representatives.

Yeah, she isn't going to spread rumors, but she'll tell you what rumors she's been hearing. This asshat has put it out there that the Chicago cops are killing black kids. "“I’m going to tell you what some suspicions have been, and people have whispered to me: they’re not sure that black people are shooting all of these children." Really? Seriously? This is how you deflect the facts? Asshat.

Welcome to the Club, asshat.

Kirsten Powers

It is inconvenient for the race baiters and haters to have to deal with the facts. The facts related to black on black crime demonstrably prove that leftist claims of blacks being victims of race-related crime are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of black perpetrators. It's inconvenient but, there it is. As far as the above asshat's attempt to negate the facts by attacking the messenger(s) instead of dealing with those facts, well, it just clearly demonstrates what type of a person she really is.

Welcome to the Club, asshat.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bobby Rush

This baiter and hater is a MEMBER OF CONGRESS!!! Want to see how he feels about the Zimmerman case? Asshat Moving Lips Regardless of his asinine views in re Zimmerman, where is his diatribe about the black on black murders that have happened - and continue to happen - across the country since Martin died committing his crime? <crickets> Yep, he's an asshat.

Welcome to the Club, Bobby. You asshat.

O. Hussein Obama

This guy doesn't give a damn. You didn't hear anything from him about this shooting.

This guy doesn't give a damn. You didn't hear anything from him about this shooting. He's too busy breaking his vows - among other things.

This guy doesn't give a damn. You haven't heard from him about boycotting anybody or anything in Rochester, NY.

So what is it they don't give a damn about? The guy on the left is the neighborhood watchman. The one on the right is the one shot by the neighborhood watchman. Remind you of anything recent? Heard anything from the above asshats? Nope. Point proven. They're nothing but baiters and haters. I am NOT making any comments on whether Mr. Roderick Scott was justified in shooting and killing 17 year old Christopher Cervini. I don't know. What I do know is that the situation is an exact opposite of the Zimmerman/Martin situation and not a peep from the media whores listed above (or the media pimps like MSNBC, CBS, etc.). And not from any of the others on this site, either. Not Miley Cyrus. Not Kathleen Sabelius. Not Hillary. Not Magic Johnson. Not Brad Woodhouse. NONE OF THESE DAMN LIARS, MANIPULATORS, AND MEDIA WHORES!

Roderick Scott - Shooter
Christoper Cervini - 17 year old

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Kathleen Sebelius

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
"The Affordable Care Act is the most powerful law for reducing health disparities since Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965, the same year the Voting Rights Act was also enacted," Sebelius said. "That significance hits especially close to home. My father was a congressman from Cincinnati who voted for each of those critical civil rights laws, and who represented a district near where the late Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth lived and preached. The same arguments against change, the same fear and misinformation that opponents used then are the same ones opponents are spreading now. 'This won’t work,' 'Slow down,' 'Let’s wait,' they sayBut history shows that upholding our founding principles demands continuous work toward a more perfect union...And it requires the kind of work that the NAACP has done for more than a century to move us forward. You showed it in the fight against lynching and the fight for desegregation. You showed it by ensuring inalienable rights are secured in the courtroom and at the ballot box. And you showed it by supporting a health law 100 years in the making. "With each step forward, you said to forces of the status quo, 'This will work,' 'We can’t slow down' 'We can’t wait,' 'We won’t turn back.'" (Kathleen Sebelius, Sec. of HHS, in speech to fellow Club member NAACP).

This asshat isn't anything other than race baiting hate monger. This also shows her absolute ignorance. Inalienable rights ARE NOT THE SAME as unalienable rights. What an asshat leftist liberal.

Welcome to the Club.

National Council of Churches

I don't even know how to respond to this asshat. So, here's WMD's take on it. NCC's President and the Zimmerman Acquital

Welcome to the Club.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Black Panther Party (NBPP)

These asshats are running around putting out bounties on people they don't like. They're threatening to kill "white babies" and "crackas." Don't believe me, believe them: NBPP Kill Crackas They are nothing more than race baiting, hate mongering asshats that have no links to Africa and never have. They are not Africans and as a matter of fact, most Africans don't want anything to do with them.

They have neither said anything nor done anything about the black on black crime which has claimed more than 11,000 lives since Martin was killed by Zimmerman defending himself. They have done nothing to assist black Americans in exercising their 2nd Amendment right in order to protect themselves. They have done nothing to complain or otherwise protest the enslavement program of the Demoncrat party. They have nothing positive to offer about anything. They are the dregs of society and they are worth nothing.

Welcome to the Club, asshats.

David Simon

David Simon
This bilious POS is "ashamed to call himself an American." Really? Then get the hell out you asshat. Everything you have is because of America. Everything you've been able to spew through your BS shows is because of America. The Zimmerman verdict was the right verdict. It was the right thing to do. Where the fuck have you been with all the dead blacks since Martin was killed assaulting an armed man? Where the hell have you been in distancing yourself from the beatings and killings which are being justified in Martin's name? You're a race baiting, hate mongering piece of shit and deserve NOTHING but contempt from all true Americans.

Welcome to the Club, asshat.

Michael Eric Dyson

You know, I usually reserve the term "asshat" for imbeciles like this. In this particular case, I'm going to go with a much more descriptive term - ASSHOLE! A brown male kills a black guy (he wasn't a kid!) and this POS claims more WHITE kids need to die in order to understand racism? WTF? And where the hell is MSNBC on this? Silent, as usual.

Dyson, you're a race baiting hater that has no positive contribution to make to the Republic much less to the human race. Please, do us all a favor and STFU!

Welcome to the Club, asshole.

Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen and media propaganda photo of Trayvon Martin
Hey, Bruce! Where's the dedication to the more than 11,000 black victims who have died since Martin was killed committing a crime against an armed citizen? Got any dedications for them? Oh, wait. You haven't said ONE DAMN WORD about any of that, have you? You haven't dedicated one song to those victims, have you? You haven't done ANYTHING for them, have you? Got anything to say about the four Americans killed in Benghazi? How about those murdered under Operation Extortion 17? Nothing? Didn't think so, asshat. You're a fraud, a hypocrite, and a manipulator. You're just using this tragedy to your own personal advantage and jumping on the band wagon in an attempt to be relevant.

Welcome to the Club.

Hero - Temar Boggs

Hero Temar Boggs and 5 year old victim
The Club won't discuss this one. The membership has remained silent. Why? What purpose would be served in refusing to acknowledge this young American as the hero that he truly is, especially in the eyes of the intended victim and her parents? The reason for ignoring this incident is that it doesn't serve the agenda of the leftist baiters and haters. They can't use this to their advantage. They can't use this to divide people. They can't use this to create hatred in one group against another. I say, that's great.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Victim Darryl Green

Darryl Green
On Thursday, July 11, police discovered the rotting body of 17-year-old Darryl Green, a black child from the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. Green’s body was found behind a boarded-up house in the 6500-block of South Damen, face down on basement stairs. The body was so badly decomposed that originally, local news reports suggested that he had died of blunt force trauma. On Friday, an autopsy showed he had been shot to death. Relatives reported that Green had refused to join a gang at school.
Meanwhile, members of the media including Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson focused on the “not guilty” verdict in [the Florida case]. The only media outlets that have covered the murder of Darryl Green are The Chicago Sun-Times and ABC 7 Chicago. The New York Times’ Joe Nocera mentioned Green in passing in a blog post devoted to highlighting gun crimes across the country. President Obama has not commented on Green’s death. Neither have any other politicians, including local Congressmen Danny Davis and Bobby Rush, or Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Neither has anyone at MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, or throughout the Hollywood community. (Synopsis by Editor at Large, Ben Shapiro, Breitbart)
 Where were all the Race Baiters and Haters when this happened? Where were you Miley Cyrus? Where were you Bill Maher? Asshats, every one of you.

Hillary Clinton

The Less Than Honorable Hillary Clinton
This known liar; this manipulator; this known murderer - this POS has the audacity to stand before a group of people and talk about the "heartache" of the Zimmerman acquittal. Where's your heart for the 11,000+ black people who have died since Martin died? Where's your heart for the people who continue to die in Chicago because of the racist gun policy of that Demoncrat administration? Where's your heart for the people who have been murdered in the name of your precious criminal Martin? You asshat!

Welcome to the Club

Yep. It's ALL About Justice

Sure, it's all about justice. Right, Al? Right, Jesse? Right, Eric? Justice.

You're all liars, manipulators, baiters and haters.

Victim Pat Mahaney

Race Baiters and Haters Victim Pat Mahaney
Where the hell were you, Al? How about you, Jesse? What about the rest of you pieces of crap that are members of the Club? Why no tweets about justice, Kim?

Here's the story:  6 on 1 Hate Crime Leads to Death - But No Hate Crime

Asshats. Every damn member of this Club. Asshats!
Edward Wyckoff Williams

Edward Wyckoff Williams is a hack for Salon. He gets off on trying to be "involved" in real life and attempting to justify racist violence through the old meme of "blame whitey." Think I'm joking? White Rage Now, the first thing you have to realize is that, again, here's an asshat who has no productive suggestions regarding what evidence was not presented. He has nothing to say about any procedural issues that ought to be changed. He has nothing to say about changing the law. Nope. It's all "whitey's" fault. There is no accountability on the part of that poor child Trayvon. You know, the one that criminally assaulted a man without knowing that the victim was armed? Nope. No accountability there.

How about we put some accountability where it belongs right now? Hey, asshat! Why aren't you screaming for justice about all the black on black violence? Why aren't you protesting the death rate in Chicago? Why aren't you protesting the Demoncrat history of doing all it can to step on the necks of black Americans? We know why, Edward. That wouldn't get the numbers would it? That wouldn't keep your irrelevant ass in the spotlight would it?

Welcome to the Club, asshat.

Angela Corey

Angela Corey

This is the asshat that persecuted George Zimmerman. This is the one that decided that there was a case for 2nd degree murder or manslaughter. This is the one who withheld evidence from the court in order to secure a warrant for Zimmerman's arrest. This is the one - guaranteed - who directed the persecution. And SHE LOST!!!!

So, what does she do? She goes and does an interview where she throws a bitch fit about losing the case. Let's take a look at that. Damn near everything the prosecution wanted entered in evidence was allowed. The prosecution was in on the selection of the jury and claimed - on the record - that they were satisfied in that regard. The prosecution got to present its evidence. The jury heard that evidence. The jury decided that the prosecution FAILED TO PROVE THEIR CASE!

She's nothing but a piss poor loser who uses race for political purposes.

Welcome to the Club.

Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace
This shrill piece of work ought to be run out of town on rails. She is allegedly a school trained lawyer. She is allegedly able to recognize fact from fiction. She is allegedly able to remain up to date on the developments in a case. One would expect that to be true, here, particularly, since she has the gall to open her pie hole and spew the hatred she does while intentionally misquoting what was said on the 911 tapes in regard to Zimmerman commenting that it was "fucking COLD." NOT "fucking coons", as deliberately stated by Nancy Grace.

Welcome to the Club, asshat.

Ms. Marissa Alexander - One of Those "Overlooked" By the RBHC

Ms. Marissa Alexander

You may not know this lady. You probably don't know about her circumstances, either. She's doing a 20-year sentence in a Florida prison. She fired what she describes as a "warning shot" into a wall when she was threatened by her estranged husband. There was an active restraining order against the husband and he was illegally in Ms. Alexander's home. Ms. Alexander was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In her defense, she invoked the "Stand Your Ground" law. The jury convicted her. Now, she's doing 20 years with two kids who will be grown adults by the time their mother is freed.

Talk about justice? Where are the race baiters and haters on this one? Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where is Van Jones? How about Jasmine Rand or Brad Woodhouse? NAACP?Any tweets from Kim Kardashian on this one? ANY F*(KING ONE? <Crickets> Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. You know why? It isn't politically expedient to support this woman. It doesn't fit their meme.

These asshats listed in this blog don't give a DAMN about justice. They don't care about anyone unless it fits their political or social aspirations. That's why they're members of the Club.

Van Jones

Van Jones

“The verdict: racism won. #TrayvonMartin” tweet from Van Jones after the Zimmerman verdict. How was the verdict racist, Jones? What evidence do you have that the jury didn't hear that would have convicted Zimmerman? If you have any, you're a criminal and ought to go to prison for withholding evidence. How was the verdict racist, Jones? Because a black American kid died committing a crime against someone he didn't know beforehand was armed? How many black people have died across the US since Martin died? OVER 11,000!!!!! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU??!!! You racist, asshat, YOU are the racist and you are using race for no other reason than political purposes in a vain attempt to keep yourself relevant in a society that is becoming more and more aware of the game you and your fellow race baiters are playing.

Welcome to the Club.

Melissa Harris-Perry

“I think this is part of this question about is this case about race,” she said. “And obviously there have been multiple viewpoints on this. But let me be really clear that one of the key ways in which we know this is about race is that this moment, in this moment, black families are holding their sons and daughters closer to them with such a sense that in this moment, this verdict — a verdict which may be the appropriate verdict, given the evidence presented to these six people and the decision they made based on Florida law — nonetheless, it feels as though it is saying it is O.K. to kill an unarmed African-American child who has committed no crime.” Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC immediately following Zimmerman verdict.

Let's deal with this a piece at a time. ". . . is this case about race." No. It wasn't, asshat. It was about 2nd degree murder/manslaughter v. self-defense. THAT's what the case was about. 

". . . there have been multiple viewpoints on this." Really? From who? Name names. Put them out there. Let them own it. The only ones bringing up race in this case were the leftist racists you hang out with and support.

". . . - a verdict which may be the appropriate verdict . . ." May be? It IS the appropriate verdict because it was a verdict obtained BY LAW, you moron!

". . . it feels as though it is saying it is O.K. to kill an unarmed African-American child who has committed no crime.” Bullshit on this one, too. Yep, Martin was unarmed. Yep, he was a black American (he was NOT African-American. He was born in the United States and had absolutely NO ties to Africa). He was a child. That's debatable. The cute, cuddly photos the lamestream media - such as MSNBC - chose to publish of Martin are not accurate in showing what he looked like the night he died. Just another attempt to manipulate the emotions of people instead of reporting the facts. Committed no crime? What the hell do you think the verdict meant, asshat? Zimmerman killed Martin because Martin was CRIMINALLY assaulting Zimmerman! GEEZ! Are you that stupid and vapid?

Welcome to the Club.

Brad Woodhouse

This incredible example of intellectual honesty tweeted the following about the Zimmerman case.

“RT @ryangrim: Does anyone honestly believe Trayvon would have been acquitted if he had shot Zimmerman and told the same story?” Yeah, I do douche bag and so do a whole lot of other patriotic, gun toting REAL Americans.

“RT @stevenlwalker: Elections have consequences. Voting matters – EVERY office, EVERY election,” Exactly why asshats like you need to be kept out of office as well as ANYONE you might support.

Now, exactly what injustice was done, what evidence was there to point to Zimmerman's guilt? None and none. But that doesn't stop this POS from using this tragedy to further his political agenda or that of his race baiting comrades.

Jasmine Rand

This asshat claims it is her responsibility as an attorney to engage in "social engineering." WTF??!! Just another excuse to claim membership in the Club. For a detailed dismemberment of this asshat's "argument" about the Zimmerman case, please view the following video: Greta Destroys Race Baiter Jasmine Rand

Kim Kardashian

"No justice" Kim Kardashian

Not that I put any stock in anything this asshat has to say since nothing she has to say is either a contribution to society, in general, or worthy of consideration by anyone capable of understanding the Zimmerman verdict, however, because she chose to venture into the cesspool of the Race Baiters and Haters Club, here she is in all her glory.

Is there any suggestion of what "justice" she tweets of? No. Is there any suggestion on how to improve the system to her liking? No. Is there any suggestion on what laws ought to be changed? No. Is there any suggestion of what "evidence" was not presented? No. Just race baiting like the good little Club member she is.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Magic Johnson

Former NBA star "Magic" Johnson

“It makes me sick to my stomach that George Zimmerman was found not guilty." “Good to see that the protests of this verdict have been peaceful.” Tweeted by Magic Johnson.

First of all, let's deal with the "it makes me sick" part. Seriously? How many dead black kids across the country make you sick, Magic? How many dead kids, period, make you sick, Magic? Where have you been, you asshat, in regard to all these kids getting killed? Nowhere to be seen. But in a bid to become relevant in the debate, this is the best you can do?

Secondly, how about that "peaceful" protest comment? Have you been watching the news, Magic? "This if for Trayvon" shouted as 4 black males beat the living hell out of a white guy, because he's white. Then the white guy is left in the middle of the road by these 4 thugs where he is run over and killed by a motorist. Peaceful, right? How about the white guy that had the crap hammered out of him yesterday by another group of blacks? Peaceful? How about the destruction in California? Peaceful? You asshat! Welcome to the Club.

Anthea Butler

Anthea Butler, University of Pennsylvania, Religion Professor
“God ain’t good all of the time. In fact, sometimes, God is not for us. As a black woman in an nation that has taken too many pains to remind me that I am not a white man, and am not capable of taking care of my reproductive rights, or my voting rights, I know that this American god ain’t my god. As a matter of fact, I think he’s a white racist god with a problem. More importantly, he is carrying a gun and stalking young black men.” Anthea Butler

This asshat is allowed to teach? The University of Pennsylvania ought to fire her ass right now. If the University remains silent on this matter and allows her to continue her employment, then the University is culpable and engaging in race baiting and hate. In order to put a stop to the crap flowing from this female's mouth, here's the contact information for the University:

President Amy Gutman
University of Pennsylvania
1 College Hall, Room 100
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6380
(ph) 215-898-7221

So, what do we do about this? Let it go and chalk it up to some asshat spewing her racial hatred? Or, maybe you'll excuse her as someone who is simply angry and spouting off. How about this - she's responsible for spreading racial hatred and religious bigotry. For THAT she should be fired. Either you'll do something, or you won't. Silence is consent and affirmation.

The Founders of the Race Baiters and Haters Club

Al Sharpton (L) and Jesse Jackson (R). Founding members of the Race Baiters and Haters Club.

These are two of the founding members of the Race Baiters and Haters Club. Neither one of them is a leader of anything. Neither one of them has been elected to office in a leadership position. Neither one of them has done anything but use tragedy and death to enhance their careers and income. They are now using the Zimmerman trial as an excuse to further their agenda - the shakedown of the white race and the destruction of the justice system.

Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States

Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States, is another founder of the Race Baiters and Haters Club. He is known to use his position of Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States to support the illegal activities of organizations such as the NBPP, NAACP, and other members of the Club. He is known to circumvent, twist, or otherwise ignore existing law as opposed to enforcing the same if the result would be what he and his co-members believe to be detrimental to their cause of fleecing the white race.

Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States
Barack Hussein Obama is a leading Race Baiter and Hater and is known to use his position of authority to insert race into various issues so long as doing so assists him in his political endeavors. Otherwise, he has nothing to say. See, Chicago murder rate and any comments by Hussein - sorry, there aren't any. He has inserted himself into matters in which he has no need to be involved and has clearly done so in order to cause further hate and discontent.

There are others. Many others. And as the days go by, we will identify them and call them out for what they are.
The Race Baiters and Haters Club is a blog designed to identify and publicize those using race as a tool to further their own selfish interests and agendas. The Club is further intended to be a place to discuss to how to effectively counter the use of race and hate to pillory those who refuse to kneel before the High Priests of Racism and Hatred and to arm with truth those who are interested in learning what really lies behind the cultural and economic attacks hidden by the charge of racism.

To the end of identifying the members of the Race Baiters and Haters Club we will, to the best of our ability, post pictures, quotes, and commentary on these people. The pictures will be taken from public sources or identified as to their commercial source. Any quotes will be properly cited to the source providing the quote. All commentary will directed toward the individual, not their race, and is intended to demonstrate the inanity, insanity, and absolute stupidity behind the claims of these people attempting to destroy the Republic of the United States.