Friday, July 19, 2013

O. Hussein Obama

This guy doesn't give a damn. You didn't hear anything from him about this shooting.

This guy doesn't give a damn. You didn't hear anything from him about this shooting. He's too busy breaking his vows - among other things.

This guy doesn't give a damn. You haven't heard from him about boycotting anybody or anything in Rochester, NY.

So what is it they don't give a damn about? The guy on the left is the neighborhood watchman. The one on the right is the one shot by the neighborhood watchman. Remind you of anything recent? Heard anything from the above asshats? Nope. Point proven. They're nothing but baiters and haters. I am NOT making any comments on whether Mr. Roderick Scott was justified in shooting and killing 17 year old Christopher Cervini. I don't know. What I do know is that the situation is an exact opposite of the Zimmerman/Martin situation and not a peep from the media whores listed above (or the media pimps like MSNBC, CBS, etc.). And not from any of the others on this site, either. Not Miley Cyrus. Not Kathleen Sabelius. Not Hillary. Not Magic Johnson. Not Brad Woodhouse. NONE OF THESE DAMN LIARS, MANIPULATORS, AND MEDIA WHORES!

Roderick Scott - Shooter
Christoper Cervini - 17 year old

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