Al Sharpton (L) and Jesse Jackson (R). Founding members of the Race Baiters and Haters Club. |
These are two of the founding members of the Race Baiters and Haters Club. Neither one of them is a leader of anything. Neither one of them has been elected to office in a leadership position. Neither one of them has done anything but use tragedy and death to enhance their careers and income. They are now using the Zimmerman trial as an excuse to further their agenda - the shakedown of the white race and the destruction of the justice system.
Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States |
Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States, is another founder of the Race Baiters and Haters Club. He is known to use his position of Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States to support the illegal activities of organizations such as the NBPP, NAACP, and other members of the Club. He is known to circumvent, twist, or otherwise ignore existing law as opposed to enforcing the same if the result would be what he and his co-members believe to be detrimental to their cause of fleecing the white race.
Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States |
Barack Hussein Obama is a leading Race Baiter and Hater and is known to use his position of authority to insert race into various issues so long as doing so assists him in his political endeavors. Otherwise, he has nothing to say. See, Chicago murder rate and any comments by Hussein - sorry, there aren't any. He has inserted himself into matters in which he has no need to be involved and has clearly done so in order to cause further hate and discontent.
There are others. Many others. And as the days go by, we will identify them and call them out for what they are.
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