Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ms. Marissa Alexander - One of Those "Overlooked" By the RBHC

Ms. Marissa Alexander

You may not know this lady. You probably don't know about her circumstances, either. She's doing a 20-year sentence in a Florida prison. She fired what she describes as a "warning shot" into a wall when she was threatened by her estranged husband. There was an active restraining order against the husband and he was illegally in Ms. Alexander's home. Ms. Alexander was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In her defense, she invoked the "Stand Your Ground" law. The jury convicted her. Now, she's doing 20 years with two kids who will be grown adults by the time their mother is freed.

Talk about justice? Where are the race baiters and haters on this one? Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where is Van Jones? How about Jasmine Rand or Brad Woodhouse? NAACP?Any tweets from Kim Kardashian on this one? ANY F*(KING ONE? <Crickets> Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. You know why? It isn't politically expedient to support this woman. It doesn't fit their meme.

These asshats listed in this blog don't give a DAMN about justice. They don't care about anyone unless it fits their political or social aspirations. That's why they're members of the Club.

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